Friday, May 12, 2017

We Visited the World Again!

Okay, so I cannot believe that there is only one more week of this transfer! Wowzers! 

No crazy people on TC, nothing super cool happened on the Square. Sunday night, while we were at West Gate after the Missionary Prep Devotional in the Tabernacle, this group of people are had a friend that was "passing out" and "couldn't walk" very well. So we call security (non emergency). While they were waiting, Sister Morales, who had worked in a hospital a bit, was feeling very strongly that the girl was faking. Security came, then and ambulance came, then they all left. One of the friends was just laughing and shaking his head as they left. Security came up to us and said that she was just acting goofy, nothing was really wrong with her in their opinion. It was just funny to watch! 

We had a kind of birthday thing for Sister Nyamdeleg! I love her! Sister Morales and I  made a video together for her. Sister Monzalvo bought the things for me to make a cake for her and like at the beginning of the transfer she asked, will you cook food for my birthday? So I did that too! I think she had a good birthday. It is sad to watch it as she watched it because she is going to go off to Mongolia in a week and a half and be gone from me for a long long long long long long long long long time. If I do get to drive her to the airport I just might cry a little. 

Another fun thing I got to do is MTC contact again this transfer! I don't think I mentioned the first one! Oops! I was with a sister from the Ukraine and she is gonna be a good one. She had her first investigator from her first phone call! It is funny to be with those sisters before shipping them off to their real missions! It is interesting to see the ones who are ready from the very beginning and are going to be running when they get to the field!

We had Zone Conference on Friday. Zone conference is always super good! It was mainly focused, to me it seemed, on connecting with the people. President Risenmay also talked about the priesthood, which is something I am so grateful has been restored back to earth through Joseph Smith! Priesthood, the power and authority to act in God's name, is 100% something I fully believe in and know to make this church the true church of Christ on earth today! Whenever I testify about in tours, I get a warm feeling, only time I ever feel that warm feeling... maybe I should testify of it more often... yeah!

We had District activity today! We went to a Park that had little scenes and such form different countries! So Cool! We visited the world again!

Keep it real everyone! Be true, be you, be righteous.
Sister Glanzer

We ate Lunch on a dock at the International Peace Gardens
It looks like they are completely taking the spire apart on the Bountiful Temple
Sister Prach and me
The Secret Mountain tunnel in "Switzerland"
Decided to go for a "swim" this P-Day
We couldn't figure out this County, the wind wasn't blowing the flag enough
Modeling in South Korea

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