The only sad thing about Wednesday p-day is that I have a whole week that you might not get to hear about! That would be sad! This is my last p-day, so we celebrated it along with Sister Su's birthday, by going to the aquarium! It was awesome! Really cool! It is fun to go to a place with fish with four Asian sisters.
"Do you eat this in Japan too?"
"What do you call it in Chinese?"
"These all look so tasty!"
"I want to eat them."
My last week, the departing sisters will stand at the front of RS and sing Called to Serve. Then we will work hard! Friday, we have departing interviews and work hard. Saturday, we have meeting with President Bateman (I don't remember Sister Samame having this, granted that was year ago) and go work! Sunday, we sing a song in sacrament meeting, then we go to Music and the Spoken Word. We will stand and be recognized at the end of it. (that isn't broadcasted) Monday is a meeting at 7:30am............. I thought I was going to be done with these, but I was WRONG! It is about our devices and stuff. Tuesday, we go to the temple and have a fancy lunch. Wednesday we fly home.
THAT IS SO CRAZY! I am just like, nah, I'm not going home! I will be here longer! I will have new companion, assignment, zone. But I guess not. Time for new soldiers in the Lord's army to have their turn.... My new companion will be my dog, Jason. I surely have missed him.
Our investigator that we found on chat had a baptismal date for the 10th! But she changed it because she thought she would be rushing into it, and she wanted to build better relationships with the people in the YSA ward. I told her, "We don't push people into the water." She was glad to know that.
She is such a golden pineapple in the desert. Some people are just so prepared, it is crazy!
We had a day where every chat, except one, were all kids under 15 years old. The one that wasn't a kid, tried to tell us he was the equivalent of Jesus Christ, and he low-key threatened us. Silly guy, Jesus doesn't threaten people. He is just bold in calling people to repent! The times of the last days are upon us! False prophets are everywhere, but as the scriptures say, "by their fruit ye shall know them." What do their actions portray? How do you feel as you are around people proclaiming to have truth? Always pray and ask Heavenly Father! I know that as I have been worth of the spirit, I have been guided for good!
I just laughed at the chat and told him that he didn't have any authority from God. The spirit will enlighten and inspire people!
We took another Spanish God's Plan for His Family with elders and their people. We didn't really understand what was happening, but what little Spanish I knew, I "translated" for Sister Su. The Ward Mission Leader was with them, and he was watching us try to figure out what was going on. They always say they will translate, but they don't.
Get this! There will be a full on deaf sister coming to Temple Square in April! That is going to be just amazing for this mission!
Service Project! We went and put together the hygiene kits in the Humanitarian center!
Also! They are sending two Brazilian sisters to the Nevada Reno Mission! Sister Nascimento and Sister Carrazzoni! Sister Smith A. and I were trained by Brazilians! There is one Brazilian there right now! I don't know if Sister Kitchen had any Brazilian connections, but man that is sweet! I bet they will go there and create the first Portuguese branch!
Sister Glanzer
I marked the wrong spot on like 15 boxes |